Thursday 11 May 2017

How Knives are Made

Knives are an everyday essential for every scout anywhere around the world, they are universally useful from eating your breakfast in the morning on camp, to making shelters and gutting fish. there are many different types of knives, from pocket knives to Machetes, and they all have a different purpose. the most common knife used is a fixed blade, which is usually kept in a sheath on your belt.

All knives are usually made from stainless steel, which is usually found in China or Turkey. this is cut into very rough moulds depending on the shape of the knife. 

Then the handle is made. this is usually made out of wood, although bone is quite often used for custom knives. this is very dependant on personal preference. the material is cut to the exact shape of the knife and then it is attached to the base using small metal rods. this ensures it is the exact right dimensions and it wont slip off.

then it is ground down using a belt grinder. This makes the knife fairly sharp. this is finished off by grinding it on a whetstone or knife sharpened to get it as sharp as possible. a general test to see how sharp a knife is by running it across a piece of paper. if it cuts the paper straight through, it is very sharp. this is called the paper test.

Thanks to Phil Reilly from instructables for the information and pictures.
thank you to John Heisz for the video.

***Don't Try this unless you are a Trained Professional with experience***

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