Friday 19 May 2017

What are parachutes made from?

Parachutes are a very popular pastime because it allows people to feel free. They are flown up to 30,000 feet and jump out of a plane. They are usually strapped into parachutes when they do this, although sometimes people do what's called bonsai parachuting and it's where they throw the parachute out before they jump out of the plane.
Parachutes are made from silk, which is found from the silk worm. The silk is produced from the egg of the silk worm, and they spin it into the raw silk. This is then refined and made into silk fabric. To get a pound of silk, it usually requires the death of about 2500 worms. A parachute is usually 11kgs, so this requires about 60,000 silk worm eggs. These are usually produced in asia or eastern Europe.
.-information about production of silk is from

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